You saw me before I was born.
Every day of my life was recorded in your book.
Every moment was laid out.
before a single day had passed.
Psalm 139:16
Uniqueness is a big message in the Bible. And - this may surprise you - it is a huge message of the book of Joshua.
If you can't sleep tonight, read these chapters. The book moves from action novel to a land survey. The pages make for dull reading unless, of course, you stand to inherit something.
But the big message was this: No one gets everything. But everyone gets something. Drive out the remaining enemies. Build your farms. Cultivate your fields.
Find your lot in life and indwell it.
Max Lucado の 「God with You Every Day」より
私のために作られた日々が、しかも、その一日もないうちに。詩篇 139:16
Max のメッセージには聖書が文学的芸術的読み物に思える魅力がある、そう思わない?